Thursday 10 February 2011

Giving myself permission to play

I have a class tomorrow  (No fuss bindings) and some of the ladies have requested a pre-quilted  sample kit  so yesterday I allowed myself a play day. 

 It's been quite a while since I last did this but it won't be again because I really enjoyed myself. In fact I think I have just fallen in love with free hand quilting again. Not that I am so sure I fell out of love with it .. I just stopped doing it .. der!  Silly me!

 There is something very very therapeutic about standing at my machine and doodling. I didn't give a fig what I did I just wanted to cover the piece 42" x 48" as evenly as possible.

I used a signature variegated on the front and used up some half-filled bobbins on the bottom.  But I wish I knew what this bobbin thread was though.  I love the colours in it but I dont have it on the spool anymore.  I am thinking that maybe it was a Valdani?

 I love this plain grey bobbin too.  In between there is a duff bobbin that didn't balance with the top thread so that looks naff .. so I'm not showing you that!

I also had a play with some computerised block patterns. This one is by Sharon Schamber .. oh she who will be worshipped as queen of all quilters!

 I really like this block design and it stitched out ok but I have to say I was a tad weery of it when it took to stitching out the echo before anything else... unbelievably it tracked really nicely and the pattern came out good.  It does do a funny jerky thing in the curls of the spine though ... and if you have a computerised machine you will probably know what I mean so I shall have to fix that I think. Otherwise a good pattern and one I shall use again.

Do you like this fabric I used ?  The photos really dont do it justice I'm afraid. Its a Turquoise Acetate Silk and the shine is unbelievable.  I am lucky enough to live on the doorstep of Blendworth fabrics and this is one of theirs.  Cheap as Chips and looks gorgeous.

These would make good cushions but tomorrow they are binding samples!
I'll let you know what the ladies thought of them!


  1. Wow!!!! What kind of machine did you use for this?

  2. Photo #2 is my favourite, closely followed by #4, but your freehand quilting has ALWAYS been superb.

  3. When I looked at photo no.3 I thought it looked as though the thread was laid on top and couched, it had such a 3D effect.

    All your quilting is just gorgeous, I love it.

  4. This is so fantastic! It is unbelievable that you realy did this free hand quilting. I am envioues! Where do you live :-)


  5. Beautiful! What a splendid way to spend a few hours and with such wonderful results!
    Teresa x

  6. So beautiful!! Are these computerized designs? And you must explain a "duff" bobbin, and what it means for something to look "naff" -- love the English language!


  7. This is exciting Tracey - looking so beautiful! Must visit your blog more often!

  8. I absolutely love that blue fabric Tracey, and your quilting is stunning, I love the star design on the bottom photo.


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