Saturday 31 December 2011

A Bit of a Dark Horse!

I've often thought Mr QuiltmeHappy is a bit of a dark horse. He hides his light under a bushel and all that and swears he is not creative. Well I beg to differ.  He has taken some stunning photographs recently. This one for example. Taken on his phone when we went walking over christmas.  I think it's just stunningly simple and elegant and really quite inspirational. 

 Its not your usual New Years Eve bottle popping kind of photo but I thought it set the tone for my new year quite well. I want a more chilled and relaxed  2012. One where I can take pleasure from the simplest of things.. even a dew drop on a berry!

Happy New Year!

Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2012.


  1. Beautiful Photo! Happy New Year.

  2. Happy New Year Tracey! Wishing you calm and creative days this year.

  3. Very good picture :)
    Happy New Year, Tracey !

  4. I love it! As a photography enthusiast, I would say that it is very good!

  5. Stunning pic! Happy New Year to you. xx


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