Wednesday 29 December 2010

50% off !

 Well...I am sure it will come as NO surprise to many of you but my attempts to be a shop keeper have failed miserably! Both the state of the market and my marketing (or lack of it ) are at fault I think. Either way the time has come to say goodbye to this little handmade venture and I will be closing the doors to the Chubby Mummy shop on New Years Day (... seemed an appropriate time to me).  I still have some stock left (hahaha .. some ... well most of the stuff  actually if I'm honest! ). So IF you would like to avail yourselves of some handmade bargains now is the time.  Use code CLOSEOUT at checkout and you will receive 50% off.  You could shop early for christmas 2011, or stock your present box for those unexpected gifts you have to find every now and again, spend your christmas money or just treat yourself!   So come on ... help me say goodbye in style.

50% off with code CLOSEOUT at checkout.
Shop link : Chubby Mummy


  1. My dear friend, it's not that you have failed -- it's the economy. There are galleries going out of business because people don't have the money to spend on art. I've participated in two holiday art fairs this year, and in each case, the organizers said that they simply couldn't get people inside the door and sales were not good at all.

    You may decide to return to this venture some time in the future -- don't despair. And know that you have lots of fans -- count me as one of them.


  2. I'm sorry things didn't work out for you. It's probably not much comfort but I'm sure you're not the only one - it must be down to the state of the economy at the moment. Don't give up on the dream completely - trying a different tack or waiting until the economy picks up may be options.
    Teresa x


Thank you for your comments. I appreciate each and every one of them.