Friday 18 March 2011

Where is the Cat in the Hat when you need him?

Last week Mrs Quilt me Happy was busy. 
In fact she was so busy the week past in a blur.  

Mr Moda Man came to visit with a big bag of lovely fabrics, 

jelly rolls and charm packs.

Mrs Quilt Me Happy was VERY happy but when Mr Delivery Man turned up 
Mrs Quilt me Happy went into a bit of a  'tiss'  trying to find storage S P A C E

 She wished she had a magic cupboard just like QUILTSUE 
but not a spare corner could be found 

so Mrs Quilt ME Happy had to spend the week 


rearranging, cutting and folding. 

Mrs Quilt Me Happy got very bored of this though and  took a break 
to play dressing up and wore  Mrs Pattern Writer and Mrs Teacher hats 
for a while

After she had made another big FAT MESS... 

 she  started to get clean and tidy

 Mrs Quilt me Happy was very pleased 
and sat down to rest feeling very happy.


  1. Your new fabric looks gorgeous!

  2. Oh well done Mrs Tidy! I must go and drool over your new fabric now :)

  3. oooooh, wish Mr Moda would come and visit me!!

  4. Lovely fabrics. Sadly the Cat in the Hat has also been absent from my home. Still as strong creative women we don't need him!! Looks like you did a fab job. Love the cockeral quilt you have hanging up.

  5. You have been busy haven't you? It all looks lovely, all those jelly rolls....yummy. The studio looks soooo tidy!!

  6. I am going to rename you Mrs Evil Temptress! Some of your new Moda fabrics are just gorgeous. As I don't even have a sewing room until the current phase of building work is completed I am going to resist ... but eventually the builders will have gone, the dust will have all been cleared up and then I may not be able to help myself {smile}

    PS: the wide backings I bought from you arrived safely, really lovely material, thank you.


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