Wednesday 18 January 2012

Good news all round!

Goodness its been an amazing couple of days!

Despite my initial reservations Farnham Maltings was a huge success ... for everyone I think!  Vendors and visitors alike!  I arrived just before 8am to the most delicious smell of bacon and coffee but resisted until after the stall was set up. Trusty cousin Emma arrived shortly after me and after a momentary panic when it all seemed beyond me she set me straight and everything slotted into place.  There was a couple of minor issues to deal with like - no pen and dull scissors but that got sorted pretty quickly. I was really pleased with the way everything looked but I forgot to take a photo!  (silly me).  We were hungry though so we made a bee-line for the cafe and had the most humungus breakfast bap. I reckon it must have been 6" in diameter.  Actually it was so big I couldn't finish all of mine but it was probably the best thing we did because as soon as the doors opened at just before 10 we didn't stop all day!  I worked out afterwards that we'd had a customer sale every 4mins!   How amazing is that!   Old friends came to say hello and I think we made a couple of new ones too.  A really enjoyable day. The sale closed at 4 and with some speedy packing and bagging we had loaded the car and I was home by 6. Mr Quiltmehappy had made fish pie and the world was good. I slept very well Sunday night! 

Monday saw the first day of the VeryBerryHandmade Resolved to Sew giveaway. I have sponsored a few prizes along with 5 other UK shops so do pop over to VeryBerry and join in the giveaway. There are 11 prizes to be won. A lovely 10 FQ bundle of Erin McMorris, A £40 voucher to spend in one shop, some Kate Spain Terrain fabric as well as the bits I sponsored. 

The Giveaway is open to all worldwide and all you have to do is write a blog post on the theme of Resolved to Sew in 2012, mention the giveaway and leave a comment to tell VeryBerryHandmade you have blogged.  

I have resolved to sew clothing this year. I struggle to find clothes to fit my short dumpy body so I'm going back to my sewing roots. I have some lovely Anna Maria Horner voile in the shop I want to use to make a floaty top and some Lecien Grey Faded Bouquet that would be perfect for a tunic style dress.  Just got to make or find patterns. 

And more great news and a huge relief ... I learnt today the breast biopsy I had last week was benign. It was picked up during a routine mammogram just before christmas so it was a bit of a worrying time but life is good today.  And finally a big thank you to everyone who brought the charitable scrap packs at Farnham Maltings.  You raised £66!  This will be donated to the Portsmouth NHS Queen Alexandra Breast Services Fund for Patient Support. THANK YOU! 

I do have 5 packs left if anyone wants a little bit of my quilting history in a crystal bag! £3 a pop - absolute bargain! 


  1. So glad to hear your biopsy came back clear Tracy, you must have been so worried over xmas and new year :-(

    Glad to hear the show went so well too, sounds tiring but fun. Bet than being sat there with nothing to do. Good luck with your sewing resolution x

  2. good to hear all is well. Have fun making clothes. x

  3. I LOVE Farnham Maltings and so sad that I didn't attend. I grew up nearby and for many years went each week to the Saturday sales there. Would love to have seen you there - maybe next time? xx

  4. Glad you had a good show. Every year I think I will drive down to it, maybe next year?? Having had a biopsy myself I know just how much a relief the all clear it. Hugs, Angela x

  5. So glad the test came back clear and the stall went well - seems like a good week all round!

  6. Oh, congratulations on your good news -- actually, GREAT news! I'm so happy for you. And so glad the sales were so good at your show -- a good month has begun for you!



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